I want the world to be better for everyone

I'm an economist. Now I hate economics. Don't get me wrong: it's why I am the way I am, and for that I'm thankful. Problem is this field is the study of limited resources. And this definition flies in the face of the one resource on our planet that has no limit - us. And that's only 1 unlimited resource! I want to harness these unlimited resources, because it will mean "standards of living" are also unlimited - to us! And that will mean the greed will go away. Nothing to do but blog.

Friday, May 06, 2005

First ever!

I'm in IT. I have been since 1997. Yet here I am, years later, finally doing a blog! I guess for many years I thought I had nothing to say. Now I think I can't hold it in anymore. I'm always writing letters to editor arguing various issues. Heck, I've kept them all! I might just retro put them here!


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