I want the world to be better for everyone

I'm an economist. Now I hate economics. Don't get me wrong: it's why I am the way I am, and for that I'm thankful. Problem is this field is the study of limited resources. And this definition flies in the face of the one resource on our planet that has no limit - us. And that's only 1 unlimited resource! I want to harness these unlimited resources, because it will mean "standards of living" are also unlimited - to us! And that will mean the greed will go away. Nothing to do but blog.

Location: Texas, United States

Thursday, January 08, 2009

The 2016 Platform begins

For relevance, how 'bout this economic mess! Angelia, VP contender, "heard about it" from me re: this yesterday!

The Macroeconomic answer (WAY long-term solution)? I paste that "rant" at her here:

- ". . . keep trending toward a final, permanent commodity-based international monetary standard; started by the Euro; good answer could be, say, the Amero for Canada/US/Mexico combined."

Gold? Petrol? Silicon? Who knows! Maybe a "basket" or "index" of commodities? An index-type system seems best to me.

Many benefits to this.

1. CURRENCY traders! What do you call a busload of them going over a cliff with one seat empty? A crying shame! Seriously, what do they "produce" that a stable, common currency wouldn't?! I mean REALLY?!

2. "Trade Deficit" - Pick a country, any country. Can you tell me what their "trade deficit" is in real terms? Good luck!

3. WTO - The "cart before the horse" as I also call it. Aside here, but relevant, here we are setting up markets reminiscent of our "Industrial Revolution" (remember that? child labor? steelworkers falling in molten steel and never being heard from again? Yeah that one!) WORLDWIDE, with absolutely NO rules of the game WHATSOEVER! The Chinese worker lead-poisons him/herself ALL day PLUS, bless their hearts! For what - Yuans?! And, uh, how much would that be in Euro's - DOH - in the microsecond I typed DOH, it CHANGED!

I do hope the silliness is apparent to you, the reader, at this point. Assuming so:

The Micro answer (ASAP)? Stop the fear! Not really that simple, but outlook change could do WONDERS! Maybe I have no idea how wonderful! But truly isn't that all we have to fear?! Fear?! How? First thing is a WHOLE LOT of mortgage restructuring. I, for one, may be too naive to know the fear I'd feel if I wasn't able to make my house payment! The most "homelessness" I've ever known is as a college student living in a flea-bitten apt! Just plain ole annuity math here anyway: change the 30yrs to 40yr, 25s to 30, 20s to 25, etc. You get the drift.

to be continued . . .