On the Hobby Lobby decision
I think it's safe to say since humans walked upright, men have been the aggressors and women the deferrent. So a day dawns many eons ago, and one of those males figures out "hey, how do I know this woman is pregnant with my child?!"
Well the wheels start turning and caliphates come and go, kings rule and are overthrown, presidents are voted in and out, PRIESTS, lead the church and die. That last one is the MOST important, because this MAN - well you see - THIS man has a mystery to sell you! See, HE has this book that was written MANY MANY years ago, but, see, it's an INSPIRED book. In fact, ya know, he's pretty sure God inspired it!
Some more millenia pass and BY GOLLY THAT'S RIGHT! This book WAS inspired by God! Why wouldn't it be?! Do you think HUMANS could have come up with, DAW, "The Golden Rule" all by themselves!? Those are INSPIRING words! Of God they must be!
Well this "religion" splits and fights and conquers its "children" over some more millenia and here we are, some 6000+ years into the "religious" age, with patriarchy shoved down our throats (and, awe, say 10 or so slightly different but no less HIGHLY patriarchal "religious" books) - practically into our DNA sequences really - and women, having schooled themselves, have begun to get a little suspicious of this whole thing!
So they begin asking for the right to vote, the right to own property (see all of these things were taken away so we men could make DAMN sure there was NO REASON for our wives to EVER leave the house and get pregnant by another man!! You remember that way back in the eons, right?).
And then comes blood testing! Well, we men can have a pretty good idea NOW that, yeah or no, she was/was not pregnant with my child. Women gain some rights - the men are no longer really paying attention with the blood tests and all, see.
And then DNA testing hits! Well now there's NO QUESTION who's the Daddy! Men are just watching the Football game at this point - nothing to see here, have another beer!
And then, long about here, men realize that women are putting up a little more fight about the housework that they've grown used to seeing at their Father's house (plus wages are stagnating, so, yeah, women, gotta go out and get a job now!).
And ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE! ESPECIALLY in very conservative, very religious households following that book we talked about awhile back - remember that book? The no doubt INSPIRED one?
It's not that simple a story, but it roughly touches the paradigm shift eras. And so here you are, pro-life atheist Erin, SO bamboozled by 6000+ years of patriarchy shrouded in "religion" that YOU can't even see what's going on! I don't blame ya! I have eyes too, so lean on me, friend!
You can show me 1000 pictures of tennis ball sized fetuses in the dumpster, but the fact is, and will remain (unless Viagra does WAY more next version than it does now) it took egg AND sperm to make those tiny human beings! And that gets us to a crossroads, Erin: how do we hold men AND the women they impregnate responsible should anything go wrong or not according to plan in the pregnancy, and so much so that it ends with a dead child? Well 2 options (neither of which we're willing to choose): 1. 5 years to life in prison for the mother AND father should there be any "malice" or unhealthy behaviour (smoking, drinking, etc in the presence of pregnant women), NO MATTER the actual offender, causing this child's death, or 2. men STFU and leave the birthing - or not - decisions to women WHILE baring SQUARELY on their shoulders the responsibility THEY DO OWN for deciding she should be pregnant in the first place! NO MATTER if the condom leaked! NO MATTER if it was just a blissful night of thoughtless sex! It MEANS NOTHING that men have excuses! If in doubt, don't whip it out!! OWN UP!! Which do we choose, for these are the ONLY fair options!
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