Uncle (Master Sergeant) Billy Bob Sitton update
3. William A. Manion - Wrong, should be William M. Manion of Mendota Heights, Minnesota according to Aunt Jeansie. Spoke with her this AM, 7-26-2005. Uncle Bill recovering from Colonoscopy in the recliner. Progress in the search today! Spoke with many people/orgs today. Latest was the VA Service Center 800-827-1000. Bonnie had record of 3 William M. Manions (note: those who requested benefits, she may not have records of all WMMs, therefore). Best, most approximate WMM records she had were of one born September 1928 (wound to elbow and forearm), died 1997, another died 1975, and a third not of appropriate age for the Korean War. She asked for SS# or service# if possible. I'll check back with Uncle Bill for more details.
I wondered why my heart sunk a little - I had that sinking feeling. Bonnie at the VA Service Center told me of the 3 WMMs as above, but now I see she paid particular attention to a William, described above, who died in 1997. I called Uncle Bill this same evening, about 8:45pm. He was up and alert after 10 hours of sleep after his procedure. He sounded good. Prepared I guess looking briefly back. I told him of the 3 WMMs Bonnie told me about, but only that one wasn't the right age, and the other two had died. Uncle Bill told me they were in the same combat team, he and William. He was there when William was wounded in the arm, he said. Like a ton of lead it hit me! That's what Bonnie said - in the elbow and forearm. Uncle Bill continued: William was evading fire after being hit and they were side by side. Overwhelming! At some point I told him that this particular William Bonnie told me about was wounded in the elbow and forearm. Silence for a bit. Then he said "hmm, I guess that's him", shaken I think, but I'm not sure. My feet weren't touching the ground at the moment. Uncle Bill was prepared today with the rest, I think. I guess he knew. I guess I knew. Bonnie too. Sometimes it gets spooky the things that happen. As if God is right there! I'm sure glad!
I don't think I want to know, but I'll call Bonnie back tomorrow to make sure with William's service number, US55038549. Uncle Bill last knew him to be at Hospital Directory Section APO501 C/O POSTMASTER San Francisco, CA. Last home was 2091 Berkeley Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Rest in peace, Mr. Manion! I don't know the story here, I guess, fully. But somehow I get the feeling he saved my Uncle's life. BOY do I owe a debt!
Tried a couple local Minnesota numbers as well (http://www.dexonline.com):
Manion Molly
1343 Gentry Ave N Oakdale MN 551285724
(651) 735-3129 bad number
Manion Megan & Michael
312 S Cedar Lake Rd Minneapolis MN 554052009
(612) 377-0273 left home and work numbers on their answering machine
Manion M L
2570 Concord Way Mendota Heights MN 551201741
(651) 681-1962 left home and work numbers on her answering machine
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