My hope is churchgoers nowadays go for the social contact mostly no matter what the religion. We humans are very social. I think that's for our survival, since it'd be awfully hard to not be social and reproduce. There's no other place to go to make contact with other humans and make sober social contact without confrontation than church. I know this because I've tried. It's hard to do this at a bar, at a city council meeting, or many other places. There's no place like church. I hope this wanes as well because we're still way too cookie-cutter for our survival. I know this too, because I've "failed", stood outside the masses, and looked at them from there.
And beyond that, religion, any religion, is frightening the way it grabs hold of laws made thousands of years ago that might not have even applied then and tries to apply them now. There was a time when the Christians of the Holy Bible would not eat seafood unless it had fins or scales! Not so anymore.
Less social contact would be better for women. It would be better for the gay community, and any other group of consenting adults who are considered "different", or "odd" - the minority. Less social contact would be better for all of us. What's standing together if we can't even stand alone?