I want the world to be better for everyone

I'm an economist. Now I hate economics. Don't get me wrong: it's why I am the way I am, and for that I'm thankful. Problem is this field is the study of limited resources. And this definition flies in the face of the one resource on our planet that has no limit - us. And that's only 1 unlimited resource! I want to harness these unlimited resources, because it will mean "standards of living" are also unlimited - to us! And that will mean the greed will go away. Nothing to do but blog.

Location: Texas, United States

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Uncle (Master Sergeant) Billy Bob Sitton 6

Got a call from Connie, I thought, seems like it is Coleen (sp?) now since John called me back and filled me in. Yes, it does sound like Coleen now! This ridiculous answering machine! Another one! Why can't they be made better!

She's Mr. Manion's daughter. Mother is Marjorie.

John said pardon him to sort of keep the guard up for them: he didn't give me their phone number. He said it sounded like, since she called (I wasn't sure until after I spoke with him and replayed the frazzling answering machine), the family was ready to make contact, but just being safe. Of course, I understood. He said they'd be calling again in a couple days and that he would call to check.

Earlier today I left messages with the original numbers I had started "call center"ing a week ago to get back with her since Coleen left no contact info on our answering machine. A call back to John was one of the first.

Coleen sounded heartfelt, but standing strong, like a lot of things were coming back - rushing back to the present. Just on our answering machine - there she was, exposed. Or was that me? Maybe both of us?
This man in her life was gone, and not too long ago really. As if 100 years would make a difference. But he was gone from my uncle too.
That's touching me. I'm so happy and lucky to still have such a man in my life! I hope, soon, she can meet him.

She said she had memoribilia. I told John I looked forward to meeting him, maybe, someday. Quite a distance! Maybe Minnesota won't seem so distant with time.

Spoke with Megan Manion. She was no relation. She very much understood what was going on. Her grandfather, if I recall, was a WWII veteran.
What a large name for so few letters! Manion!

I talked briefly to another lady, an older lady, also a Manion. She said she wanted to call me back, but couldn't afford the phone call. No relation to Mr. Manion either it turned out. Is this what my uncle and Mr. Manion fought, nearly died, for? So we can have people in our country, especially seniors, who can't afford a phonecall? Here it is again, mixed feelings! So frustrated and so happy all in the same moment. Happy to be making contact with these Manions and frustrated that even other Manions aren't in a good place on my planet, or even in my country. I can't let this happen. My government, my country, will change; this will stop if I have any say in it. I owe this to these brave people. I have my orders.


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